Face Pilot: Fly With Your Nintendo DSi Camera

Face Pilot: Fly With Your Nintendo DSi Camera
System Nintendo DS (DSiWare)
Developer Nintendo
Genre Flight Simulation

Use the Nintendo DSi Camera to capture your face, and take part in flight missions controlling your glider simply by moving your head. Tilt from side to side to steer, pull back to climb and forward to dive.

Your missions include bursting balloons on your way to the goal or collecting hidden stars dotted around the landscape. There are 15 stages in total, each requiring you to meet several criteria to earn medals that unlock more stages and gliders.

Release Information

Region Name Release
Europe Face Pilot: Fly With Your Nintendo DSi Camera 18 Jun 2010
US Face Pilot: Fly With Your Nintendo DSi Camera 26 Jul 2010
Japan カメラであそぶ 顔グライダー Camera de Asobu: Kao Glider 28 Jul 2010